The Different Kinds Of Duplicate Content We Most Commonly See On A Law Firm’s Website
Duplicate content confuses Google. When more than one page (defined by unique URLs) includes duplicate content, Google will often choose one of the pages to rank and completely ignore the rest. Which is not ideal. So, naturally, getting on top of duplicate content is something we focus on when we […]
The Highly Uncommon Way My Agency Measures SEO Success For Our Clients
Which metric do you think is the most relevant for measuring the success of an SEO campaign? 1. Rankings 2. Traffic Here’s my answer… NEITHER. My team and I could care less if our clients are ranking number 1 for a bunch of keywords… And we could care less if […]
More Web Pages = More Opportunities To Generate Fee-Paying Clients
I connected with a law firm the other day and they were asking me about their website… On inspection, my team and I found that they were rocking a one page website… All the information about the law firm…Details about their multiple areas of practice…Contact Information… All on one page. […]
3 Area of Practice Specific SEO Strategies (Broad is Bad)
Your law firm requires a different SEO strategy for every Area of Practice you offer… A broad SEO strategy will rarely produce the high-intent traffic needed to generate fee-paying clients. Here are 3 things you can do to develop a more targeted SEO strategy: IDENTIFY HIGH-VALUE KEYWORD OPPORTUNITIES Every Area […]
The Predictability Of SEO Presents An Opportunity To Your Law Firm
There is a reason that you’re law firm is not ranking #1 on Google… And this is a good thing (hang with me here). What makes SEO so powerful is that it’s black and white… There are no grey areas when it comes to what needs to happen for you […]
How Mobile Optimisation Impacts Your Google Ranking
The last thing you want is to dedicate hours of work into SEO… Only for Google to penalise your site because it doesn’t look any good on mobile. If your law firm’s website was built with WordPress… Then it’s probably already pretty responsive across all devices… But you’ll still be […]
A guide to using images for an SEO-friendly website
One of the biggest culprits for a slow loading web page is images and photos… We see it all the time… An otherwise innocuous stock image of a lawyer in a court room on the services page… Turns out to be main SEO issue on the page… Because it’s large […]
3 Ways To Generate Backlinks For Your Law Firm Today
A backlink is achieved when someone else’s website includes a link on one of their pages that directs their users to your site… The more of these you get from websites with high-domain authority… The higher your ranking will be for target keywords… Which leads to more fee-paying clients for […]
The 2 Phases of a Successful SEO Project
The 2 Phases of a Successful SEO Project for Law Firms… (And by success, I mean a project that is consistently delivering fee-paying clients) Discover the strategy in this video.
The High-Volume Trap in SEO and Why Low-Volume Keywords Are More Valuable
When developing a target list of keywords for your SEO strategy… High-volume keywords should not automatically be given the green light as targets… More needs to be considered to ensure your SEO project generates maximum results… In the shortest possible timeframe… And high-volume keywords don’t always guarantee that. What you’re […]