A Step-by-Step Guide to Internal Linking for Law Firms
Hey Law Firm… New to SEO?
Here’s something you can do RIGHT NOW to your website…
That will get you started on your journey to organically book more fee-paying clients using your website…
It’s called Internal Linking.
Internal links are hyperlinks from one of your web pages to another web page on your site.
It is a simple task, but useful and probably the most common on-page SEO factor we see ignored by law firms.
Will it get you to page #1 overnight for a keyword like ‘Law Firm New York’?
Absolutely not.
But it’s a start, and when you execute more complex and powerful SEO activities…
It will absolutely compliment all of that work.
Here’s how you do it…
Let’s say you want to give an SEO boost to your family law services page…
Have a look through your website and when you find copy that mentions ‘family law’ link it back to that services page.
The link copy might be ‘family law’ on one page and ‘family law services’ on another…
That’s totally fine… Mix it up.
Not only will it increase the ranking of the services page, but it will also improve user experience…
Users will be able to find more pages in more dynamic ways and this is what Google rewards.
I go into detail about the use of internal linking in my 17-page PDF all about our unique SEO system…
We call it the SEO Alignment Matrix™
Comment ‘SEO’ and I’ll send that to you.
Much love, law firms x