What is the SEO Alignment Matrix™?
We utilise a couple of strategies which are unique to our agency to deliver fee-paying clients to law firms…
One of which is the SEO Alignment Matrix™
Ok, so, here’s the truth…
Anyone can execute an SEO campaign…
As long as you know (and stay up to date with) SEO strategies, you can make a website rank.
To generate more fee-paying clients…
You need both a well-executed SEO Strategy AND to target high-value high-intent keywords.
SEO strategy – easy.
Keyword Identification – not so easy.
Not all keywords are made equal…
And targeting better keywords that are more likely to provide high-intent traffic to your website, will make a huge difference to your results.
The SEO Alignment Matrix™ is a 2-step process designed to produce high-intent traffic.
1. Keyword Research and Identification
2. The 3 Layers of SEO
Luckily, we are not IT people. We are marketing people.
So our ability to identify high-value keywords goes beyond volume and competition.
We’re looking for keywords that a buyer is entering into Google.
Once you have a list of high-intent high-value keywords, only then do you begin aligning the 3 Layers of SEO execution with that list.
Identifying high-intent keywords is an essential part of the process and it is often overlooked.
If you are currently engaged in SEO…
Don’t be a simp and only target ‘Family Law Melbourne’
Ask your agency to also focus on high-intent long-tail keywords relevant to your area of practice.
To find out what makes a good keyword…
I have created a 17-page PDF outlining the SEO Alignment Matrix™ – including our process for keyword research and identification.
We call that Behavioural Keyword Mapping™
Comment PDF and I’ll send you that.
Much love x